My SWAP did get finished by the deadline, but I am increasingly convinced I am a little mad.
I have no idea what convinced me that a burnt orange embroidered and sequinned corduroy coat would be a key wardrobe item. It's sure is FUN though, but I can't see me wearing it to the rather conservative office I work in.
I was hoping to take some photos outside today but its raining and horrible so no luck.
So I had a tidying up session and sorted out my ribbons, beads, buttons, threads etc which had just been put randomly in boxes. Now everything is in an appropriately labelled box in the cupboard.
Having had some neutral time during the sorting process, hopefully I will wake up tomorrow all alert and with a cunning plan on how to take an indoor photo of all the wardrobe items together. My brain hasn't come up with a good idea yet, but maybe sleeping will help